Seamlessly handle Black Friday coupons with
Woo Multi-Tiered Coupons

Use the same coupon code for varying discount percentages across your WooCommerce store's product categories.
One single shared coupon code
Support to avoid double-discounting Woo Subscriptions
Multiple discount levels for the same coupon

Unlock Advanced Coupon Functionality

With Woo Multi-Tiered Coupons, coupons are easy to set up, and easy to use. Reduce customer friction and make it easy to purchase.

Separate discounts for specific categories

Discounts for product bundles

Tiered percentage or fixed-rate discounts

Woo Multi-Tiered Coupons avoids your customers having to pick the right coupon code for their purchase. Set a single code to capture multiple levels of discount.

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Why Choose Woo Multi-Tiered Coupons?

With Woo Multi-Tiered Coupons, coupons are easy to set up, and easy to use. Reduce customer friction and make it easy to purchase.

Enhance User Experience: A single coupon code means no confusion or cart abandonment.
Maximise Revenue: Encourage larger purchases with multi-product discounts.
Boost Conversions: Attract customers with customised, dynamic discounts.
Save Time: Easily manage complex discount rules without coding knowledge.

How It Works

Perfect for every WooCommerce store. Whether you’re running a fashion store, a tech marketplace, or a handmade craft shop, Woo Multi-Tiered Coupons is the tool you need to take your promotions to the next level.

Step 1: Create a single coupon in your WooCommerce dashboard.

Step 2: Define the discount rules for multiple products or categories.

Step 3: Customers apply one coupon code at checkout, and the plugin does the rest.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your store?

Buy now $99